Wednesday, May 30, 2007

A note/poem

Dance, as though no one is watching,
Love, as though you've never been hurt before,
Sing, as though no one can hear you,
Work, as though you don't need the money,
Live, as though heaven is on earth.


Sunday, May 27, 2007

True Partnership

This is a useful note for those who are in a relationship, deep friendships or even just living with a roomate.....

[True partners are those who] have balanced their needs and wants and [have] given just a little more weight to the other’s happiness, and that is doing your share and some more.
In a true partnership, the kind worth striving for, and frankly, worth discovering over, both people try to give as much or even a little more than they get. “Deserves” is not the point. “Fair” is not the point. “Owes” is not the point.
The point is to make the other person as happy as we can, because their happiness adds to ours. The point is , in the right hands, everything that you give, you get.

(By: Ann Bloom)

Wednesday, May 9, 2007

My brother's blog

This is my brother'e blog.I have inspired him to have one, so I ask you to read it please for encouragement:

Monday, May 7, 2007

A lovely note [ in farsi]

اگر تمام جهان تو را دوست داشته باشد، این عشق تو را خوشحال نمی کند.چیزی که موجب خوشحالیت است، همان سهیم کردن دیگران در تمام عشق و محبتی است که درون خودت داری.این عشق دگرگونی ایجاد می کند

Sunday, May 6, 2007

American Muslims in Politics

I was waiching a Pbs documentary on muslim americans and native american woman who was also a muslim had a grat point in her speech that had answered my question of why people of my background and middleeast don't like to be a polititian here in America, here is a piece of her talks:

"Before September 11th, the American Muslim community showed little appetite for large-scale political participation. A large number of Muslims were relatively recent immigrants to the United States, focused on settling down, raising their children and earning a living. Many came from dictatorships – countries where the democratic process was either completely unknown, or largely irrelevant, so they didn't trust the system.
September 11th accelerated the community’s learning curve dramatically. Now, Muslims are realizing they must stand up for their rights, as minorities before them have done, and voice their concerns about issues involving civil liberties, immigration law, and the Patriot Act. 9/11 galvanized Muslim Americans and forced them to become active participants in the political system, through advocacy and by running for office. "

if you like to read more about muslim Americans & their issues please click on:

Friday, May 4, 2007

Do you feel like you need a vacation?

Do you ever feel like you really need a vacation? I really feel I need thatIt's been 2 years that I have been working non stop; no vacation: last 2 Summers fulltime at work and a couple of classes and during school year I had the senior design which is very time consuming and then studying for GRE while registered with classes and working at the same time plus my permanat parttime job which is housework ofcourse! ; after graduation I jumped right into the master's program without a break. Today I had 2 final exams so I really feel exhausted and really need a break. What I'm imagining is an island very quiet with ocean waves and seabird's voices only and for some reason I like to be there alone at least for a day; just to walking by the shore, thinking and relaxing and reading... no strings attached and no worries for anything...just picturing it makes me calm. How long has it been since you've had a relaxing vacation? sth specially for YOU and one that YOU hve enjoyed to the fullest?I know mine's been a while....