Monday, June 25, 2007

A nice poem

Watch your thoughts, for they become words.
Watch your words, for they become actions.
Watch your actions, for they become habits.
Watch your habits, for they become character.
Watch your character, for it becomes your destiny.

Frank Outlaw

Thursday, June 21, 2007

Thanks Dr. Laura!

I have been reading/listening to Dr. laura's books recently on the subject of relationships. There was a book called "Proper care and feeding of Husbands" ; I strongly recommend this book to ladies who are in a relationship; The book is available in both Audio and regular format and it's easy and soft reading, and you can find it in the public library of your area. This book opens women's eyes to what they can do to ruin/save their relationships and I was pleased to hear of "women power" and how women can manage their relationship. The "how" of it though, was explained in that book. Since I have read it I feel strong relief, relaxation, happiness and love in my life; the things that were there, but sometimes I failed to see them or I would ruin them with my self centeredness... so here I am to say: Thanks Dr. Laura!

Thursday, June 14, 2007

Starting meditation

Today, finally I went to my first formal information meeting about meditation.It's been more than a year since I have decided to join them and finally I did it!!Hopefully I'll be able to be calm in this hyperactive society as she(my instructor) puts it, and get rid of unwanted and uninvited thoughts. I'll be able to master my mind and she says that at the end you will be more human!! A nice human with a big mind power?! I'm not sure exactly how it works , but I let you know as I go on with it.
It's interesting how here in America everyone has to work a lot of hours and get frustrated with time limits and then find ways to calm down , have a balanced life and work more effectively! This won't be very essential in Iran(Where I'm originally from) since the society is not hyper active and so the people won't normally have a hyperactive mind...
Here are 2 main links my instructor has given me to checkout, so check it out if you're curious and wanna know more:

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Fair Fights

I'm here at work, supposed to be working I guess, but I'm a little board so I thought I write something here!! something I was reading last night and I share the results with you:
Finally I got my answers about fighting or not fighting, I mean, in a relationship... I was reading a book from the Gottmans couple (10 lessons to transform your marriage) and there was this note about couples who like to avoid fights and rather time take care of it ; as a result the couple's emotions might grow distant from each other and in some cases they have ended up cheating on their partner just because they found someone whom they wre comfortable to share what they could not share with their own partner! Awful, isn't it? So It's ok to argue as long as it's not out of control: we'll need to remain calm and respectful and as soon as it starts getting out of hand ( gets out of hand when you're too angry to think straight, or starting name calling, throwing things, raise of past hurts, etc.) a break is a must , but it's also important to return to it at some point wheather directly or indirectly...

Monday, June 11, 2007


همه ميخواهند بشريت را عوض كنند هيچ كس در اين فكر نيست كه خود را عوض كند. تولستوي