I'm here at work, supposed to be working I guess, but I'm a little board so I thought I write something here!! something I was reading last night and I share the results with you:
Finally I got my answers about fighting or not fighting, I mean, in a relationship... I was reading a book from the Gottmans couple (10 lessons to transform your marriage) and there was this note about couples who like to avoid fights and rather time take care of it ; as a result the couple's emotions might grow distant from each other and in some cases they have ended up cheating on their partner just because they found someone whom they wre comfortable to share what they could not share with their own partner! Awful, isn't it? So It's ok to argue as long as it's not out of control: we'll need to remain calm and respectful and as soon as it starts getting out of hand ( gets out of hand when you're too angry to think straight, or starting name calling, throwing things, raise of past hurts, etc.) a break is a must , but it's also important to return to it at some point wheather directly or indirectly...