Sunday, September 30, 2007

Enstein realized that before me!!!

I have been working in a college math lab over 5 years now, tutoring math and physics.I have had many cases that I thought if I were that person I would've never ever touched any major that had any math in it, simpply because I thought that person was too slow to learn math. No matter how many times I would explain something he wouldn't get it,but HE STAYED IN THE MATHLAB FROM MORNING TO NIGHT if he could and even if he spent 10 hours on one problem he wouldn't give up. Sometimes it took days till he learnt just one single problem! Over time I saw the boy passing more math clsses with the same technique and he was eventually successfuland could graduate. This was a great lesson for me: I realized that sometimes being smart might not be a factor,sticking to it and putting effort on it is even more important.Looks like Einstein had done the same thing and had realized that long befor me(!) :

"It's not that I'm so smart, it's just that I stay with problems longer."
Albert Einstein

1 comment:

Zara said...

absolutely right. Honestly, I always admire hardworking people more than smart people, because being hard working is in his control rather than being intelligent and they take advantage of that.

Keep doing hard:D